Alcoholism, Bad Behavior, Memories

Life is a beautiful lie, and death a painful truth.

4 years ago this month, my 48-year-old brother and only sibling died of kidney and liver failure in a Houston hospital, the result of years of alcohol abuse that finally put an end to the party. He wasn't homeless or penniless. He wasn't unemployed or mentally ill. He was smart, wickedly funny, and strikingly handsome.… Continue reading Life is a beautiful lie, and death a painful truth.

Each Day


Around 15 years old, I began to believe that I wasn’t good enough for this world. I wasn’t smart enough, or pretty enough, or skinny enough, or desirable enough, and those beliefs became an accepted part of my psyche. These thoughts played out in my behaviors later in life, particularly with alcohol and men. While… Continue reading Unbreakable

Each Day

A Pinkish Hue

There are lots of buzzwords in recovery, “recovery” being one of them. And any time you have to learn a foreign language, it can be disorienting. I wonder if there’s some sort of urban dictionary of recovery to define things like “geographical” and “do the dishes.” I’ll Google it and get back to you but… Continue reading A Pinkish Hue